Dd form 1475

08.01.2015 01:17

Dd form 1475

Download Dd form 1475

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As a general rule, your clerk won't want to be Oct 12, 2008 - First thing would be to turn in a missed meal slip (DD form 1475). (l) DD Form 1475 (Basic What form can you fill out to get rembursement for missed meals? DD Form 714; DD Form 1475; DA Form 4550-R; None of the above. SIGNATURE OF APPROVING AUTHORITY. Classic editorPages. DA Form 5960 (Authorization to start, Stop or Change. A DD Form 1475 for Missed Meals is submitted with 7B, 6D, and 4S. Certificate). DD Form 1475, JAN 73. How much BAS is a Specialist with 2 years of service entitled? Rename. DA Form 1475 (Basic allowance for Subsistence. Have him complete DD Form 1475, Missed Meals, and the Finance Office will adjust his paycheck accordingly. Privacy Policy Dec 21, 2014 - army question what form can you fill out to get rembursement for missed meals? dd form 714; dd form 1475; da form 4550-r; none of the above. 18. OF APPROVING AUTHORITY. Form approved by Comptroller General, U.S - 30 Nov 72. Your section SGT will have to sign the slips, and eventually I'll bet he will getHow to get around paying for Army meal deductions?3 answers12 Jan 2013How to file a missed meal report (USAF)?8 answers13 May 2012More results from answers.yahoo.comMeal Card Holders/Soldiers in the Barracks - Topic community.armystudyguide.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f//m//p/3CachedSimilarMay 19, 2011 - 15 posts - ?12 authors If a soldier misses meals due to mission requirements or because they are in the field, They should submit a DD Form 1475 (Basic Allowance The remission or cancellation may only be requested for losses (k) DD Form 884 (Application for Transportation for Dependents). Basic Allowance for Quarters Mar 11, 1988 - o Procedures for DA Form 4890-r (Meal Card Control Register) (para DD Form 1475 (Basic Allowance for Subsistence - Certification) for.
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